BYMT's Summer Skills Courses - a parent's perspective
Summer Skills Courses are growing ever nearer, and we're looking forward to meeting a new talented group of young people in July and August, plus many familiar faces too. Whether aspiring star or participating for the enjoyment of learning new skills, for everyone involved we know it will be a transformative experience and the best adventure. The anticipation translates across to parents as well as young people, who for many, it's an exciting time too.
Hear below from the experiences of Liz Rameshni, parent of Lilya Rameshni, a BYMT Skills Course Participant and brilliant young talent who completed Summer Skills Courses twice, in 2015 and 2016 and was involved in our production Let It Snow in London in 2016.
Liz Rameshni:
From my perspective, I think one of the best things about the Summer Skills courses is that anyone from the ages of 11 -21 can 'have a go'. There is no audition and so a child does not necessarily have to be aiming for a career on the West End stage, but may just have a keen interest in acting, singing and dancing.
In addition, I really like the residential aspect to the course because it helps to develop a sense of independence in a safe and supportive environment. It also means that Lilya spends a productive week in the summer holidays doing something she really enjoys and has the chance to gain a Grade 6 accreditation with the Trinity College London in Musical Theatre in Production.
I feel that Lilya gained a huge amount of confidence from the course and it was good for her to make some new friends all of whom have a similar interest in the performing arts. Working as a team and listening to others' ideas and points of view, are valuable life lessons.
In Lilya`s opinion, it was the whole experience that she thoroughly enjoyed, but specifically, meeting new people, some of whom she has kept in contact with and was reunited with on the following year's course. The leaders were so welcoming and friendly and pitched it just right in terms of pushing her to get the very best from her. In addition, she enjoyed being able to have some input to the production with regards to 'blocking' and choreography.
In terms of organisation from the very beginning the BYMT team proved to be professional and efficient. All the information regarding accommodation and directions to the venue, was sent through in good time and was very clear. On arrival to the course on the first day, I found all the leaders and chaperones to be very pleasant and I felt reassured that Lilya would be in good hands.
We: Would you recommend a BYMT skills course?
Liz Rameshni: Yes!!!