BYMT Terms and conditions | British Youth Music Theatre

BYMT Terms and conditions

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Auditions: Auditions booked through the BYMT website are non-refundable however if you need to change to another date or time we may be able to make this change for you if available. Please note the format of the auditions as well as times, dates and venues may be subject to change in line with Covid-19 guidance and venue policy updates.
Tickets: Tickets for BYMT's Summer Shows 2021 booked through Eventbrite are non-refundable. Seating is unreserved and you will pick up your tickets on the door.
Merchandise: All products booked through the BYMT website are subject to availability, refunds / amendments can be made for merchandise orders.
Cookies: This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files placed on your computer, to help the website analyse how users use the site.

BYMT Project Terms and Conditions

If you take part in or pay for any project with BYMT you agree to the following terms and conditions. This information will be sent to you with any offer to join the company.

These terms and conditions relate to any participant and their parent/carer accepting membership of any British Youth Music Theatre project.

1. Definitions:
   1.1. "Participant" means the person who will take part in the Project.
   1.2. "Parent"/"Carer" means the person(s) who have signed the Acceptance Form on behalf of the Participant if they  are under 18 years of age and agree to pay the Project fee.
   1.3. "Project"/”The Project” means the residential theatre workshop run by BYMT that will take place on the dates detailed on your offer letter or on the website at time of booking.
   1.4. "Project Fee" means the fee payable for participation in the Project.
   1.5. "The Parties" means the parties to this agreement being BYMT and the Participant and/or the Parents/Carer of the Participant.
   1.6. "BYMT" means British Youth Music Theatre, a charitable company limited by guarantee.

2. Legal Contract: The offer of a place on a production and its acceptance by the Participant/Parents/Carer or the booking of a place on any other BYMT project give rise to a legally binding contract on the terms of these terms and conditions.

3. Jurisdiction: The Parties submit themselves to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

4. Conduct and Attendance: BYMT expects Participants to be courteous to staff and peers and to respect the needs of others. Participants will attend each day of the Project, be punctual and take a full part in each day's activities. Further details can be found in the BYMT ‘Guide’ available via our website.

5. Rules and Discipline: The standards of discipline and rules of the Project are outlined in the BYMT Guide. Participants are requested to read this document in full before accepting the offer of a place. Participants hereby agree that they will accept the authority and guidance of Artistic and Pastoral staff and understand that failure to do so can result in them being sent home.

6. Insurance: BYMT undertakes to maintain only those types of insurance required by law. The Participant/Parents are responsible for obtaining personal insurance cover for the duration of the Project. BYMT can provide details of possible insurance providers on written request.

7. Payment of Project Fee: The Participant or Parents undertake to pay the total Project Fee as detailed on your offer letter or on the BYMT website. 

8. Bursary Scheme: The BYMT Bursary Fund aims to provide bursaries to as many young people as possible. Funds are limited, and are only available to those in greatest need, whose gross household income is under a certain amount per annum (See bursary scheme for details). Bursary requests must be submitted via the official BYMT Bursary Scheme Form available from BYMT on request. If you are applying for the Bursary Scheme, you may have the option of paying a smaller amount for your first instalment. Please note the Bursary Scheme is not applicable to BYMT’s 6-day Musical Theatre Camps.

9. Acceptance Forms: Acceptance forms must be received by the deadline published. BYMT reserves the right to decline Acceptance Forms received after the deadline has passed.

10. Medical or other factors regarding participants: During the acceptance process, participants/parents/carers must disclosed in confidence all relevant information about any medical condition, health problem, or allergy which affects the participant. Failure to do this may result, as a last resort, in the participant losing his/her place on a project or being sent home.
If there are any matters of which we ought to be aware before the Participant takes part in the Project which have not been covered by questions during the acceptance process, please write a confidential letter addressed to Hannah Kipking, Programmes Administrator at least 3 months before the start of the project start date.

11. Variation: BYMT will endeavour to deliver the Project as advertised but reserves the right to change any of the facilities or itineraries described in the Project Information Pack and website. If a major change becomes necessary or is deemed by BYMT to be advisable, Participants and/or Parents will be informed as soon as is reasonably practicable.

12. Refund/Credit Policy:

12.1. Productions and Camps:

Cancellation 29 days (or more) before the commencement of the project

  • 1st deposit is non-refundable, this can however be used as a credit towards any other project for the same season.  The remainder of the payment can be refunded.

Cancellation 28-22 days before the commencement of the project

  • 1st deposit is non-refundable and non-creditable. The remainder of the payment can be refunded.

Cancellation 21-15 days before the commencement of the project

  •  50% of payment is non-refundable and non-creditable. 50% can be used as a credit.

Less than 14 days before the commencement of the project

  • Payment is non-refundable and non-creditable.  

Course fees are non-refundable if you leave during the camp/production – a percentage may be creditable towards a camp/production, this must be used the same year. Please note, a possible credit is dependent on how much of the course was completed.

BYMT will consider additional credits in exceptional circumstances, wholly at the discretion of the Casting and Young Company Manager.

If a situation occurs whereupon BYMT need to cancel the production, you will receive a full refund or a credit for the following one year.

12.2. Events: Tickets to events are non-refundable, except in extraordinary circumstances, at the Casting and Young Company Manager.

13. BYMT Cancellation: BYMT reserves the right to cancel the Project in any circumstances. However, BYMT would not do this without good cause and in the event of cancellation all monies paid by or on behalf of Participants would be refunded in full. BYMT also reserves the right to terminate this agreement with individual Participants for unpaid Fees and serious breaches of Project rules.

14. Filming & photography: All BYMT projects are photographed and filmed for archival and marketing purposes. Images may appear on film, in print and online in perpetuity. I confirm that I give permission for myself/my son/daughter* to be filmed or photographed for these purposes and for these images to be stored and duplicated without further permission being sought. If you do not agree to this, or would like to discuss this in more detail please call the BYMT Office on 020 8563 7725.

15. Personal Data: Basic personal data (name, location, contact details, shows performed) supplied to BYMT during all projects will be securely stored electronically and/or on paper held under General Data Protection Regulations by BYMT in perpetuity and will be used for statistical analysis and for future correspondence such as, but not limited to, Alumni information regarding possible performances, revivals and reunions, recordings or videos. This is a contractual requirement.

16. Direct marketing consent: Consent for contact details to be added to BYMT’s marketing database will be requested during the acceptance process. Details will NOT be passed onto third parties other than those working on behalf of BYMT in the UK. Details will be held in perpetuity. To withdraw consent, to have access to the data held or for data to be changed/erased, you should contact

17. Social Media Use: Parents/Carers are encouraged to comment or post appropriately about BYMT projects. In the event of any offensive or inappropriate comments being made, BYMT will ask the parent/carer to remove the post and invite them to discuss the issues in person.

BYMT Privacy Policy

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