Become a Friend
We receive support from Arts Council England, the teachers' union NASUWT and many other wonderful trusts, foundations and individuals.
However, we still have to fundraise around £150,000 for the Bursary Scheme, supported places on our Camps, investment in new scripts and scores, our paid interns and voice and singing coaches. The Friends Scheme is part of that fundraising effort. It only requires a moderate financial commitment, but with enough supporters it can make a real difference.
Become a friend for just £25 a month. You can make a HUGE difference.
All our Friends receive free admission* to one of our shows every year!
To sign up simply click on this link.
We ask that you kindly Gift Aid your donations when possible, using this online form.
If you have any questions about becoming a friend, if you would like to make a larger donation, or if your business is interested in sponsorship, please speak to our Development team on 020 8563 7725 or email development@bymt.org
*free admission for up to 4 people
“BYMT is an organisation that really does change lives.”
Zoë Wanamaker, actress and BYMT Patron