Be brave, be bold and give everything a really good go!
Choreographer and Independent Dance Artist Rachel Birch-Lawson has a wealth of professional experience, here are Rachel's AUDITION TIPS for all of you taking part this year in the BYMT National Auditions 2017 (21 Jan - 19 Feb).
We try and make the auditions as fun and enjoyable as possible. Whatever happens, you will go away having learnt something, having met some new people and having tried something you wouldn’t otherwise have tired.
All we ask is that you come and you are brave, and you give everything a really good go! Listen to Rachel's message here on YouTube
It doesn’t matter if you’ve had lots of performing experience, it doesn’t matter if you’ve never danced before. What we want to see is that you really try and give everything one hundred percent commitment, that’s really what we’re looking for in our company, for people who really give everything a go, because the harder you work, the better you become.
1. Don’t apologise for anything you do in the audition room.
2. Be brave and be bold
3. Give everything a really good go!
And you can listen to Rachel's special message here on our YouTube channel.
Rachel Birch-Lawson is an independent dance artist, Rachel’s work spans dance, opera, theatre, and music theatre. Trained at London Contemporary Dance School, she was then selected for European choreographic programme Dance Beyond Borders.
Rachel is supported by organisations including Arts Council England, the British Council, South East Dance, and Lambeth Arts and has created works for companies including Tangled Feet, Opera a la Carte, Garsington Opera, and numerous independent projects. She has taught extensively in the UK, Europe, and Africa and is artistic director of Tall Tales Big Moves.
Step forward onto the stage and kick-start your career in performing arts with BYMT. Auditions are booking now, from Sat 21 Jan - Sun 19 Feb 2017, touring 24 cities from Edinburgh to Manchester and London to Dublin and everywhere in-between. Take a look at the full list of dates and times here.