Addy Loudiadis, parent of BYMT member David Mariani (Peter Pan, Help! Get Me Out of This Musical) sent us a lovely message of support for our fundraising campaign ACCESS TO THE ARTS. Read her testimonial below.
“My name is Addy Loudiadis, I am the parent of BYMT member David Mariani, who first joined the company back in 2015. David has taken part in BYMT activities every year since, on both Camps and Productions, including the shows A Teenage Opera, Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Help! Get Me Out of This Musical, as well as outreach projects at the Lyric Theatre Hammersmith.
I have seen David go from strength to strength, growing in confidence, developing his skills and pursuing a passion for music theatre. He has just successfully completed his first year with Arts Ed, studying a Foundation course in Musical Theatre, something he wouldn’t have achieved without the valuable experience he’s gained with BYMT. The way they create ‘families’ for each show every year never fails to amaze me, along with the fantastic original work that they produce.
This July BYMT are raising funds for their ACCESS TO THE ARTS initiative, which changes the lives of young people who might otherwise never get the chance to take part. It is something I wholeheartedly support and I have pledged to match (that’s double) the total amount raised at the end of this month. Please support this valuable initiative too, and remember, every pound you donate will generate another (+ 25p Gift Aid!).”
Thank you so much for your support Addy!
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