Current shows
Mortimer. An awkward, unemployable young man who gets an offer he can’t refuse - free room, free board and all for a business that will never be short of customers. He doesn't even need to be dead to take the position. But being Death’s apprentice comes with great responsibilities.
YMT restaged Mort: The Musical again this year, bringing it to life this time in the Rose Theatre Kingston with the cast from last years highly successful production at the Greenwich Theatre. Once again well-received by audiences and also by Terry Pratchett himself, who this year was able to come and watch the show.
CLICK HERE to see full Cast list
James Allan
Joe Bence
Mary-Jean Caldwell
Jonathan Cheriyan
Toby Cordes
Edward Court
Lydia Crussell
Rosie Dempsey
Bethan Downing
Jack Feureisen
Dora Gee
Leonardo Goodall
Alexander Gordon
Ruth Green
Sam Greenwood
Abigail Griffiths
Sarah Hancock
Ryan Heenan
Hannah Hillyard
Courtenay Johnson
James King-Nickol
Tom Kitney
Fionntan Larney
Sam McCallum
Lizzie Melbourne
Baker Mukasa
Kate Millington
Geoffrey Mullen
Asha Osborne-Grinter
Anna Pritchard
Ailsa Thomson
Carmen Thomson
Christopher Vickers
Peter Vint
Imogen Wehner
Thomas Wright