Current shows
Scheherazade will be an original piece of musical theatre devised by all of us based upon the fabulous ancient tales from the Arabian Nights.A murderous madness is consuming the Sultan. Whenever he wants, he marries a new wife. The next morning he has her killed. All are powerless before him. The number of his victims mounts. Mothers and fathers live in fear. Will their daughter be next?
Then Scheherazade, the daughter of the Sultan’s High Counsellor, demands to be the next wife. All are dumbfounded. Has she lost her senses? Will the brutal Sultan kill her or can she divert him from his evil intent? She starts to tell a story which turns into a magic carpet ride into a universe of wonder and delight with tales of learned sages and magic potions, fishermen and genies, apples that bring betrayal and death, and a magnetic mountain containing the secrets of the world. But can she save herself? Can she stop the killing?
CLICK HERE to see full Cast list
Katy Ayling
Caoimhin Callan
James Carroll
Josie Charles
Helen Cheshire
Emma Cox
Emma De Beer
Lilly Deevey
Rhiannon Doyle
Christopher Foley
Jack Frimston
Leonardo Goodall
Robyn Grant
Annie Guy
Kay Heenan
Daniel Hilton
James King- Nickol
Shona Manderson
Sam McAvoy
Grace Merry
Coral Mourant
Joseph Palframan
Sophie Partridge
Joshua Patel
Sam Rhodes
Cassie Roberts
Molly Rymer
Luke Seidal- Haas
Yochebel Shungu
Jamie Simmons
Tara Sterling Byrne
Nevena Stoijkov
Eleanor Sutton
Canice Ward
Ollie Wiggins
Sean Wills