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A father takes his daughter to a strange city. She is to be married. But she feigns madness to avoid the fate. Unwittingly this starts a chain reaction as first her true love, Oratio, then Flaminia, who loves Oratio, really do go mad, followed by Pedrolino, Alechino, Pantalone and soon everyone is in the grip of insanity. A prophet arises foretelling the end of the world; signs are seen in the sky, as all succumb to urges beyond their control. The world has gone mad.
Only a clown could make sense (or nonsense) of such a story and Gerry Glanagan is just such a clown, who began working again with composer James Atherton on this project. Gerry’s been creating devised shows with us for five years and used all the resources of the cast to build fantastical, fast moving, hilarious and (with Love and Madness) dark and dangerous worlds.
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Hannah Anderson
Matthew Bawden
Emily Buchan
Patrick Burley-Brown
Lucy Chenery
Archie Combe
Rachel Davies
Tristan Fanning
Michael Gallagher
Andrew Grogan
Amanda Hahn
Adam Hargreaves
Nathan Hughes
Jessica Jones
Thomas Josling
Jess Kambitsis
Jennifer Lypka
Shae Maunders
Cherilyn Mawby
Alice Martin
Victoria May
Rachael McDougall
Grace McInerny
Grace Mitchell
Ella Nokes
Barry O'Reilly
Joseph Orren
Rachel Partington
Callum Pearce
Ebony-Rio Rees
Florence Russell
Jordan Smith
Scarlett Sterne
Cain Suleyman
Brandon Thomson
Annabel Turner
Leah Weerasinghe