The Last Tango (2006) | British Youth Music Theatre

Current shows

The changing world of middle Europe at the turn of the century ... a world of the dispossessed, of outsiders, of gypsies of artists and students, a changing political and social world. A group of young performers, existing on the edge of the world, create a phantasmagoria of changing traditions and experiences - perhaps a Last Balkan Tango!

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Georgina Altman
Rachel Annett
Nadia Assaf
Aaron Bewick
Rachel Bird
Elise Bragard
Nassira Cheref
Stephen Cook
Olenka Drapan
Edward Elliott
Daniel Fortune
Seetal Ka Gahir
Liam Geoghegan
Katie Holder
Jonathan Howard
Anisha Hussain
Ben Jeffrey
Hayley Johnson
Jamil Keating
Sami Lamine
Rebecca Lee
Maria Lysandrou
Kayleigh MacRae
Lauren Major
Sophie Mann
Laura McGowan
Toby Nicholas
Hannah Nitti
Lucy Phillips
Greshan Rasiah
Anthony Rawlinson
Alison Tillson
Jamie Turner
Amy Walsh