Great Expectations (2013) | British Youth Music Theatre

Current shows

“Come gather around and hear the tale that’s unfolding of one boy with Great Expectations. His Christian name Philip, his surname was Pirrup but call him Pip”.

Great Expectations is the London premiere of the musical version developed by YMT in 2007. Some of the greatest characters in British fiction make their appearance in Dickens’ moving portrayal of crime, social class, empire and ambition. The central character of Pip, here portrayed as both the child and the young man, acts as the eyes through which we see Victorian society. His growth and coming-of-age provide the central pivot around which the other characters circulate – Joe and Mrs Gargery, Estella, Herbert Pocket, Mr Jaggers, the convict Magwitch and, grandest of all, the classic character of Miss Havisham, the elderly spinster overcome with desire for revenge on her jilted lover.

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Scott Adams
Harry Al-Adwani
Kara Alberts
Daniel Annear
Harry Brown
David Burchhardt
Connie Campbell
Erin Chapman
Jemima Chesterfield
Jacob Clinton
Stacey Cornes
Vincent Finch
Stephanie Golding
Emily Harrigan
Olivia Hawthorne
Alex Lewis
Elle Molyneux
India Moynihan
Geoffrey Mullen
Luca Panetta
Ed Parry
Robert Peacock
Rhian Lynch
Sion Mattey
Lewis McBean
Jamie Pritchard
Hannah Rae
Oscar Ratnaike
Joseph Riley
Kylo Robinson-Freeman
Jane ‘Allegra’ Seymour
Callum Sharp
Jessica Shaw
Adam Smith
Hamish Somers
Sophie Stockwell
Gabriel Summerfield
Joe Walden
Bonnie Widger
Georgia Wilson


Yasmin Antonio
Bob Cliffe
Elizabeth Daly
Daniel Emery
Asgeir Faben
Anna Pritchard