Angry Salmon | British Youth Music Theatre

Current shows

Set in a big cartoonish underwater world, Angry Salmon follows the inhabitants of a thriving salmon-farm, and the mayoral Di-Carprio family. Leo Di-Carprio (the mayor's eldest daughter) is sick of life stuck inside the tanks, and when disaster strikes, she galvanizes the clan of salmon and initiates a mass escape through a crack in the borders. Meanwhile, the humans above at Utopia Enterprises (a large group of zany scientists and fish farmers led by the maniacal Sheila Musk) realize there has been a breach of security, and set out to capture their precious bounty once more. Leo must find the strength to lead them to safety whilst the humans chase behind, never questioning whether or not they’re doing the right thing. With a huge score of unforgettable tunes and irresistible comedy for all the family, this new musical is a perfect summer treat for parents and kids alike. Suitable for little ones as young as 6+, and big ones as young as 93+!

After purchasing four full price tickets, you will be able to purchase concession tickets for the rest of your order.

Please note, all tickets are unreserved.


Also, please take the time to fill out our Audience Survey here. We really appreciate it!

Creative Team

Co-Writer, Composer & Musical Director

Co-Writer & Director
Ali James

Jocelyn Prah

Lighting Designer
Nathan Benjamin

Sound Designer
A&M Productions